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Living our best lives with Pasifika Medical Association

Living our best lives with Pasifika Medical Association

  • 10 Jun 2024
000001 PMAConf24 SocMed 1080x1080 04a Page 1 large

(Picture caption: Registrations for the annual Pasifika Medical Association Conference are now open.)

A highly anticipated event on the calendar, the Pasifika Medical Association's (PMA) 28th annual conference is set to take place in Christchurch, New Zealand, from 26-27 November 2024.

Focused on the theme, Vunilagi ni Bula Sautu: Living our best lives, the conference will explore a holistic approach to health and well-being across all stages of life, envisioning a horizon where individuals live lives of good health and abundance.  

General Practitioner and this year's conference convenor, Dr Apisalome Talemaitoga ONZM, reveals the theme for the 2024 PMA Conference holds profound significance.  

“The concept of Vunilagi, meaning horizon in indigenous Fijian, symbolises the legacy of great navigators,” Dr Talemaitoga says. 

“Like our ancestors who sailed guided by the stars to new horizons (Vunilagi Vou), our life's journey mirrors sailing into uncharted territories.”  

Call for abstracts will be opening soon, inviting people to submit a summary of their research or work, that align with the Conference's sub-themes, including:

  • Child Health/Adolescents - Gone lalai
  • Youth – i taba gone (Cauravou kei na Goneyalewa) 
  • Adults - Uabula (Turaga kei na Marama) 
  • Elderly – Qase (Matua) 

Surgeon and Chair of the PMA Membership Board Dr Jitoko Cama FRACS says this year’s conference is taking an iclusive approach across various fields.  

“This year’s themes embrace inclusivity across all fields and shift the focus away from negative health outcomes,” Dr Cama says.

“Instead, we're directing our attention towards a future-oriented perspective, aiming to enhance health outcomes not only in the Pacific but also on a global scale.”  

Chief Executive of PMA Debbie Sorensen highlights the resonance between the themes of this year's conference and the overarching mission of the PMA Group.  

“Our previous conferences have attracted numerous healthcare professionals from across the Pacific region, gathering together to provide a platform for collaborative efforts in tackling the health challenges prevalent in our Pacific communities,” Debbie adds.

“The themes this year align perfectly with our PMA Group vision, which envisions Pacific children living as long as anyone else on earth.

“It’s about collectively striving for improved health outcomes in the Pacific and beyond, asking ourselves what steps we can take to live our best lives.”  

Visit the PMA Memberships website for more information and to register.