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Wahine featuring more in governance roles

Wahine featuring more in governance roles

  • 24 Jun 2024
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(Picture caption: Women represent more than half of the public sector boards and committee members, in Aotearoa New Zealand.) 

Women’s representation on public sector boards and committees has reached 50 per cent or above for the fourth consecutive year, while Pacific board membership is also increasing.  

Women currently hold 53.9 percent of public sector board roles, while Pacific board membership is at seven percent, up from 6.1 percent in 2022. 

Acting Minister for Women Louise Upston says it is a fantastic achievement, but the work is not done. 

“To maintain similar levels of women representation at public board and committee level, deliberate action is needed across government, business, and organisations for years to come.

“There has been a steady increase of women representation on public sector boards, increasing from 41.1 per cent in 2012.

“I want to see women continue to be appointed to government boards and committees, especially through the Ministry for Women’s nominations service.”  

She adds women are also better represented at the board chair level, which is a sign of good progress reaching 46.2 per cent, a significant increase from 41.9 per cent in 2022. 

“It shows us there are many talented leaders ready to step into a governance role and take up the challenge of a chairing position and I welcome this wholeheartedly.

“Māori and ethnic diversity of public sector boards has also continued to increase since data collection for ethnicities on boards began in 2019.

“I am thrilled to see many women from ethnic backgrounds take it in their stride, and step into governance roles. 

“We know the positive impact that greater representation of women has on social outcomes, decision making, and financial performance. 

“Our focus is now on ensuring this pipeline is strengthened and that we see more diverse representation in private sector leadership and governance.” 

The Ministry for Pacific Peoples encourages Pacific peoples to participate in governance roles, by facilitating a Nominations Service database of skilled Pacific peoples who are available for appointment to state sector boards and committees.